assembled extruder for d3d universal; extensive plastic work such as filling screw holes and redrilling, fix warped parts, etc.
assembled extruder for d3d universal; extensive plastic work such as filling screw holes and redrilling, fix warped parts, etc.
read more on authorization in MO for OSE College
met with Marcin to discuss
Updated the https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Accreditation_Primer#Overview_of_Accreditation_Landscape_in_the_US page with links and headings. Shared with Jon.
Prepping for accreditation briefing. See accreditation primer in wiki.
Asssembled print bed with halogen lights and attached to printer. connected wires except for print head assembly.
Research for collaborative note taking and built a wiki page [collaborative note taking] based off Paul's email.
Worked on recommendations for OSE College
Research on contractual arrangements under accreditation. Sent file to Marcin.
Developed [[OSE College Mission Documents]] page and populated with proposed objectives that need iterative improvement and ultimately, approval.
Developed a preliminary proposal [[OSE College Proposal]]
Tested morse code note method on Day 4
reinstalled OSE linux after old laptop died; put on another old laptop
research for accrediting OSE
collaborative note template redesign
OSE degree design via email
Watched day 5 videos. Did some note-taking on Day 4.
researched high-temperature 3d printing, recylable 3d printing with PETE and HDPE (no joy), and large format printers.
One printer, the Modix Moma was 2mx3mx1m, https://www.aniwaa.com/product/3d-printers/modix-mama/
Read the design guides and watched day 2 video -- is this work? I think it is so long as it leads to enabling work.
Created a learning log for day 1 and posted templates of it through day 9. [120 design lessons - day 1] through [120 design lessons - day 9]