Cut and fit panel around seed eco home carport door.
Cut and fit panel around seed eco home carport door.
Worked on disassembling Catarina’s greenhouse.
Picked up insulation from shop and put it upstairs in seed eco home 2. Cut panels to fit over French doors and around upstairs door.
Burned trash
Got trash bags from HabLab and picked up trash at Seed Eco Home. Burned trash.
Installed door. Ben helped me for 30 minutes and said that a carpenter that regularly installs doors can do it in one hour. After door was shimmed and screwed in, I realized it was skewed. Pulled door back out and started over. A dilemma as door is wrong depth. If it’s right outside it’s wrong inside and vice versa. Chose to put it in to match inside.
Put in flashing tape around bottom and sides of carport door, installed future flash pan.
Burned trash, took HabLab propane tanks to Walmart in Cameron and exchanged, took Ben to Orschleins and helped him pick out a good welding mask (he purchased) with 4 arc sensors and 1/30,000 shutter speed on auto lens. Part way back he opened package and lens was scratched, so we turned around, went back and he exchanged it for a good one.
Installed drip flashing above French doors and taped up with epdm. Installed victor flashing around upper story door, along with plastic pan under door. Door opening was warped so very difficult to install. Took out many times before I figured out what was wrong.
Installed treated 2x4 in doorway of carport. Drilled concrete, used concrete screws and liquid nails to hold in place. Spent 30 minutes or more looking for liquid nails. Tried several tubes and they were all bad.
Propane leak at HabLab. Turned out to be a bad bottle. Swapped out bottle, ran and got propane from Faculty house for them to use.
putting up 2x6 4:30 pm to 7;30 FRONT AND BACK with tape underneath with rashard
looking for drill bits, fixed propane leak in HabLab
Went to shop at end of day hunting for hammer drill, tapcom screws, green corner pieces, all for doing doors. While there I cranked up Lifetrac 6 and showed several of the guys how to operate it and let them take it for a spin. I was rewarded with ear to ear grins!
Continued taping seams with epdm tape. Redid the seams at z flashing to make it continuous and shingle effect. Worked on this from 9-12 and 1:30-6, but probably took 30 minutes of that to assist Catarina when she sprained her ankle.
Burned trash from HabLab, filled up fuel at Casey’s, picked up water and ice (at my expense) from Dollar Store.
Trip to Menards and picked up sealing tape. Brad helped me and we worked on taping seams on Seed Eco Home.
Worked on Seed Eco Home sealing up. Helped Marcin and Catarina install French doors. Took crew to eat, ended up in Cameron before we finally found a place. Went to Walmart and purchased food for HabLab.
Trip to Menards and picked up greenhouse materials. Worked on sealing up Seed Eco home.
Took apprentice to airport.
Installed termination bar along south side Seed Eco Home v2, trip to Menards, Home Depot and Walmart.