developer meeting
developer meeting
buck/boost research and meeting slide
reviewing work and creating meeting slide
investigating microcontrollers for DC/DC converter module
investigating user interface options for DC/DC converter module
finding parts for user interface
specifying microcontroller requirements
Simplified buck/boost converter design and made bill of materials
working on buck/boost schematic and bill of materials
working on 555 timer for PWM control of buck/boost module
working on 555 timer for PWM control of buck/boost module
Learning about 555 Timers and PWM
OSE dev meeting
learning about PWM and astable multivibrators
meeting prep
added voltage buffer and studied PWM control IC to find ways of switching between buck and boost functions
Studying voltage follower circuits to increase input impedance of ADC
Added control wiring to buck-boost converter draft design
Working on buck-boost converter draft design
OSE Dev Team meeting