3.5 OSEDEV-WB backend, 0.5 D3D-WB, 2.0 CommLogMeet
3.5 OSEDEV-WB backend, 0.5 D3D-WB, 2.0 CommLogMeet
2.5 exploring Web-GL, 1.5 exploring Stephens WB
2.5 CommLogMeet
3.0 OSE Linux Kicad, 1.5 TorchHeightCTRL, 1.0 check A-A+B-B+ wiring, 0.5 rewrite Ramps firmware, 2.0 attend Torchtable Workshop, 8.0 CommLogMeet
1.0 Made deploy-torchctrl-on-kicad Video, 3.5 CommLogMeet
2.0 installed OSE-Linux on SUB-stick and checked KiCad, 2.0 CommLogMeet
9.5 firmware endstop, 2.5 making video, 2.5 CommLogMeet
10.0 detailed pinout description and diagramm, 2.5 firmware description, 18.5 EndStop functionality added, 3.0 CommLogMeet
11.5 BOM, doku, impl. button_pressed into firmware; 3.5 CommLogMeet
4.00 make/send package to Marcin, Wiki-Doku 2.00 CommLogMeet
TorchHeightCTRL Firmware
24.0 Firmware + Testruns, 2.5 Video, 3.0 CommLogMeet
13.0 Firmware for auto-version, TB6600 / Jogdial (A6/A7-prob), 3.0 CommLogMeet
TorchTableHeightCTRL V.02
8.5 make Firmware+Testrig, 2.0 Sensor-ring, 7.0 write monitor-tool, 3.5 testruns, 3.0 commlogmeet
10.0 soldering 3PCBs, 2.0 recherche firmware (Aidan), 4.0 CommLogMeet
Manual TorchHeightCTRL
19h Manual TorchHeightCTRL: build, formware, video, project-page; 6.5h D3D print parts and assemble; 4.5H CommLogMeet
TorchTableHeightCTRL, D3D-build
4h communications (incl. log, meeting etc.), 1h recherche torchtable, 4h BOM-project and order@mouser, 3.5h printed D3D parts, 6.2h updated toolchain and calibrated 3dprinter, 3.5h setup TB6600 and coding firmware
Added Silkscreen, set up Git repo and forumpage, ordered pcb's
4.5 silkscreen, 1.0 log-entry, 2.0 Git repo and forumpage, 2h meeting, 3.5h pcp order, 3h communications
Torchtable Height Controler
13.5 add nano, uext, bnc, molex etc. to schematic; route pcb-layout 1.5 check kicad2freecad+demo 1.0 read Git-Workflow tutorial 1.5 log and communications 2.0 mo.+tu.-meeting 1.0 TB6600 wiring 2.0 reorganize kicad libs
Torchtable Height Controler, see http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Oliver_Log#Fri.2C_May.2C26.2C2017
1:30 meeting D3D group, 0:30 recherche powerlolu sources, 1:30 meeting torchtable group, 4:12 kicad schema pauls circuit, 0:50 kicad footprints problem, 3:44 kicad pcb, 2:00 log-entry and discussions page
Reproducing structural parts of the universal axis by printing them, see Oliver Log May, 21, 2017
6h printing and cleaning parts (12 pieces), 2h fetching nuts, screws etc. and starting assembling first axis, 2h investigating parts library and printing more parts of it.