Finished the UA part and transferred it to the build manual.
Finished the UA part and transferred it to the build manual.
Working on the UA section of the D3DU Manual - mostly the Z axis. Almost done.
Working on the UA section of the D3DU Manual - X and Y axis.
Working on the UA section of the D3DU Manual
Printing the new parts. Preparing the build
Continue to work on the UA doc: X axis, Y axis. Need a few new pics and the new flanged parts for the Y and Z axis. The end stops, table, arduino etc are arriving soon.
Working on the UA document for the D3D Simple: general format, titles, page numbers, numbering, bullets, topics/contents reorganization and so on
Preparing stuff for the UA documentation
2nd arm finished
preparations to begin D3D simple manual
Finished, and rebuilded the first arm
Printing parts for remaining arms
Began the first build of the arm. Almost finished.
Reviewed the Axes part of the D3D Manual. Needs some modifications and additions for the 3D Simple/Universal.
FreeCad/OSE stuff
Continued printing of the parts for the first arm
Catching up with previous meetings 2/2
Reading about STEAM stuff
Continued on Freecad
Converged on printer parameters and began printing parts for the first arm - all components have arrived! :)
Catching up with previous meetings 1/2
Reviewing stuff from STEAM wikipages
Solved extruder problem with printer.
Continued test printing the 3d parts.
Learning to work with Freecad.
Testing print parameters, playing with freecad
Exploring and playing with the OSE D3D Manuals.