logged work
logged work
Personal Build Wishlist
Presented FreeCAD at Western University - Students designed a rough prototype of a brushless motor.
Preparation of Arduino and 3D-printing activities for LIA STEM Club / OSE section.
Build of OSE D3D printer with Die-X Ltd. and students at London International Academy
STEM Camp at Zhangjiagang Foreign Language School - OSE motor - design and build; FreeCAD.
STEM Camp at Zhangjiagang Foreign Language School - OSE motor - design and build; FreeCAD.
STEM Camp at Zhangjiagang Foreign Language School - OSE motor - design and build; FreeCAD.
STEM lesson at Xuzhou Foreign Language School.
Final Day in Shenzhen. 60 hours of OSE-related STEM camps completed in August.
FreeCAD Spreadsheet, Part Design, Drawing and Dimensioning workflow
Ordering parts for Arduino-controlled power supply.
Research for Arduino Controlled Power supply
Design of a second OSE brushless motor using disc magnets.
Testing of the OSE Motor
D3D Plug Design / 19.04 Extruder rebuild / research power supply design/network through Facebook
Set up appointment with friend in Colombia to discuss OSE camps. Spoke with friend in Guyana about OSE camps. Communicated with several individuals in China about the OSE camps.
Construction of Titan Aero extruder for D3Dv 19.04 printer; ABS print troubleshooting
D3D v19.04 - Build
Preparation of materials for trip to Factor e Farm - aluminium block, PCB boards, magnets, wire, electronic components, etc.