3D printer documentation continued.
3D printer documentation continued.
Took apart 1 of the 3D printer recently made and started documenting process.
Discussed strategy, governance, scheduling about overall OSE progress and immersion program. Scheduling rest of the meeting to be scheduled for 05th Sept.
Build 3D printer day 5
Build 3D printer day 4
Build 3D printer day 3
Build 3D printer day 2
Working on sketch 4 and 5 -- in progress.
File 5:
File 4:
File 3
File 1
File 2
4.Glazed Roof w Vent.fcstd created.
FreeCAD programming for aquaponics.
Restarted the FreeCAD programming for aquaponics.
Read aquaponics wiki and reference material
Read FreeCAD programming documentation, installed D3D printer workbench to be used as reference. Sent a query to Stephen about the starter workbench not visible in freeCAD mod.
FreeCAD programming video.