D3D firmware - Whatever I had diddnt even have microstepping features!!! must of been from 2017 or earlier.
D3D firmware - Whatever I had diddnt even have microstepping features!!! must of been from 2017 or earlier.
D3D work
D3D work
D3D work - Got heated bed using MOSFET heater and Chineese 12" heat pad up to 110C only with Fiberglass insulation attached to back of steel plate attached to PEI with Klapton tape.
Roll up of time spent when I was not logging like I should
Parametric Universal Magnetic Wiring Quick Connect
D3D - setup
Design of robotic screw insert systems, general robot automation
MES code - master python module
OSE MES CODE - design of data structures
-D3D OH startup
Issues with connector. needed new motor wire - making connectors from scratch is hard to get right.
End stop issues - only Xmin, YMax and Z min showing up. only x min and y max are triggering - where is Y min and why isnt Z min triggering? Z min and Y?
MES SQL tables
MES SQL and Daemon design
MES design documents. Please see MES SDS page linked google doc folders.
d3d ohio wiring...
headwork on taking orders and continously printing parts
wiring for d3d oh, mes software architecture, commercial website
commercial website
getting 3d3 oh online
design ideas