Maysville house finishing: varnish stairs, double outlet plates
Maysville house finishing: varnish stairs, double outlet plates
Respond to Michael's website related requests
Respond to Michael's website related requests
Maysville house finishing: finishing touches (sand backs, apply feed+wax, sand w/ 1000 grit paper) last pieces of trim for bathrooms and kitchen
Maysville house finishing: sand, paint, stain last pieces of trim for bathrooms and kitchen
clarification diagram
Rebuttal prep for Motion for Contempt
Rebuttal prep for Motion for Contempt
Maysville house finishing: installed single outlet cover plates and wireless wall switches
Maysville house finishing: door knobs and locks, front door screw plugs, kitchen baseboard
Materials: BoMs, sourcing, shopping lists
Materials: BoMs, sourcing, shopping lists
Interior Design: research AI interior design tools
Maysville house finishing: kitchen trim and baseboard, repair broken drawers, remove adhesive residue from cabinet doors, devise solutions for gaps and cracks in kitchen and bathrooms
Tom - retouching base email. March 5, 2025.
Website Prep (respond to Michael's requests, setup browsers + DNS settings, research WP themes)
Interior Design - Staging - BoM + WP Theme research
Maysville House Finishing - cabinet doors installed on all kitchen cabinets
Interior Design - Staging - BoM
stain mini fluted trim
Fixing up kitchen cabinet doors with contact paper
bath cabinet doors , both baths
(belated entry for 2025-02-23) ipv6 & mediawiki cron follow-up. updated wiki logs & hours.
mediawiki mass undelete investigation
mediawiki cron follow-up, vhost hardening verification tests, staging server investigation, script setup & documentation
(belated entry for 2025-02-15) hetzner3 ipv6 investigation, wiki cron follow-up, php apc verification, disable mod_php, disable prefork MPM; enable event MPM, vhost hardening verification tests, wordpress 'melapress-login-security' cli config setup
(belated entry for 2025-02-14) fix mediawiki cron, create unix user/ssh accounts for other humans on hetzner3, hetzner2 & hetzner3 postfix config diff, dreamhost (dns) google account creation, ipv6 investigation
(belated entry for 2025-02-13) live wiki admins cleanup, setup wiki FancyCaptcha, wiki spam investigation
(belated entry for 2025-02-12) wiki 2fa, admin account for Catarina, logs & hours, finish phpList snapshot hetzner3
(belated entry for 2025-02-02) wordpress & phpList 3TOFU
phpList snapshot -> hetzner3
review docs/pen plot file
wiki -> hetzner3: fix wgPasswordPolicy, created mediawiki bug report, added $0.02 to mediawiki mCaptcha feature request ticket, wgOATH config, install/enable curl in ansible/php (fix GuzzleHttp & ConfirmAccount)
wordpress 3TOFU, wiki skins/extensions updates & config, hCaptcha setup, ansible php tmp_dir fix, wgServer login redirect fix
Painting 3 doors, 3rd coat. Little pegs worked for 2nd floor, but screw holes were too small on front door, so getting the pegs in was impossible even with heat gun.
phpList & wordpress 3TOFU, fix wiki OATHAuth upgrade bug, etc
wordpress & phpList 3TOFU, wiki -> hetzner3
(belated entry for 2025-02-01) obi, osemain, phpList 3TOFU, wiki -> hetzner3
(belated entry for 2025-01-05) 3TOFU for wiki, phplist, microfactory, obi, and osemain
obi -> hetzner3 && osemain -> hetzner3
oshw -> hetzner3, obi -> hetzner3
microfactory, oswh static site -> hetzner3
3TOFU, microfactory -> hetzner3
(belated entry for 2025-01-17) 3TOFU for wiki, microfactory, obi, and osemain